
  • Wystep Dzieci (03/28/2021)

    16 kwietnia 2021r. 651 3
  • Donation / Datki

    06 marca 2021r. 1967
  • 2021: Year of Saint Joseph / Rok Świętego Józefa

    Pope Francis proclaims 2021 “Year of St Joseph” / Papież Franciszek ogłasza 2021 "Rokiem Świętego Józefa"

    03 marca 2021r. 1966
  • Prayer to the Virgin Mary for Protection & to overcome racism

    O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.

    We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.

    At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain,

    with steadfast faith.

    You, Our Lady, Health of the Sick, know what we need.

    We are certain that you will provide, so that,

    as you did at Cana of Galilee,

    joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.

    Help us, Mother of Divine Love,

    to conform ourselves to the Father’s will

    and to do what Jesus tells us:

    He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us,

    through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.

    We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.

    Do not despise our pleas we who are put to the test

    and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin

    24 marca 2020r. 3050
  • 19 stycznia 2016r. 1 3069 Drukuj
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